Lesley 1st March 2019

By starting your petition to fight for faster treatment times for pancreatic cancer patients you highlighted the failings of those who's job it is to preserve life, not let you live with uncertainty of when the treatment will come. I am glad you stood up for patients like yourself in the face adversity. My sister passed away from stomach cancer in November 2016 as her health care providers failed her when she went to see them 18 times with the same health issue over a 22 month period. She begged and pleaded with 9 doctors in total, she said she trusted them to help her. By the time they listened she was stage 3 and too far gone as it had spread to her liver. She died 8 days after her 45th Birthday. I will never come to terms with the lack of care she received and her unpreventable death at such a young age. May god be with you both and look after your wonderful family at this heart wrenching time. X Lesley X